Skills Camp – ITALY


Come and join our 7 or 14 day Skills Camp in Italy non the River Po. An advanced and challenging River suitable for those that have already completed a number of Skills camps with us and would like to challenge yourself.

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When we think of Italy and catfish we instantly think of the River Po. Although the Po looks peaceful most of the time, what lays beneath can be harrowing for the catfish angler. Not only is the current world record swimming around but the obstacles you face within the river like old bridge foundations, cars, sunken boats and huge trees make it even more challenging. Another obstacle is the speed the river can rise, it can be scary for the first time you witness it. A fast rise of 2m is not uncommon and if you don’t have vast experience on rivers it can quickly chew you up and spit you out. This is exactly what the Skills Camp is about. We teach you everything there is to know about European angling, the safety aspects and of course, catching monster catfish.

But that’s not all, like many photos and videos you see on social media you may be thinking the Po is a very wild river that you can have a section or sand bank to yourself. Very unlikely. the River Po is a highly populated river that is getting more populated year on year. You may have to share a sand bank with many other camps all targeting the same location. For this reason we stay away from the tourist destinations and actively search for quiet areas hidden away. further more, there are many other rivers and canals in Italy that can give you the chance to put into practice what you have learnt and potentially join the 100kg club.

We don’t advise that your first skills camp is on the Po as it can be very physically and mentally challenging for new river anglers. Remember, you are not being guided to catch, you are being taught so you can do it yourself. Northern France is a better choice for your first time in Europe. If you have completed a number of Skills camps with us and would like to challenge yourself even further then look no further than the Skills camp  River Po, the hardest Skills Camp and the most rewarding!

Like every European Skills Camp a 48h+ session will be included on the river Trent to start building your muscle memory due to the new the drills and methods you will be conducting whilst in Europe.


7 DAYS £1900

14 days £2200

Deposit £500

By paying your deposit you secure your place at the Skills Camp. Deposits are subtracted from total. The remaining balance must be paid 60 days prior to the start date.

Bellow are the commonly asked questions, please feel free to ask more questions at [email protected]

Is the skills camp like a guiding or part guiding service?

No, the skills camp is not a guiding or part guiding service. We do not do the work for you by
setting up at locations ready to catch and we do not bait locations, we wont even tell you where
to target. Instead, we teach you to do this for yourself and build your confidence and abilities
with you to make that decision. We cover every method of catfish angling from a breakline to
vertical. Don’t worry, if we feel you are wrong in your decision then we will revisit the key areas
that you did not absorb and start again. Remember your success on the skills camp is a
reflection on our knowledge and ability to teach so it is our main priority that you succeed no
matter how many times we revisit a subject.

Is the Skills camp like a holiday or much more extreme?

Our skills camp is not for the weak, it is a camp that demands your full attention as well as your
physical and mental strength. We push our anglers to their limits, challenging them to become
a product of their own environment and only a successful one at that.

What river is the skills camp on?

We do not have a specific rivers for our skills camp for a very good reason. Our program is
designed to be mobile and flexible, just as catfish anglers should be and so we offer a number
of regional locations only. These include but are not limited to the Rhine, Loire, Po, Ebro,
Necker, Seine, Vistula, Trent, Rhone.

What is the success rate of the skills camp?

Our success rate is very high with anglers becoming solo and targeting catfish to over 230cm,
but it is important to remember that success is not just handed out; it is earned through hard
work, dedication, and a willingness to push yourself beyond your limits. one our main rules on
the skills camp that hits home with anglers is that you will not be allowed to take a personal
photo with any catfish unless you have caught it yourself, for yourself.


August 12th-18th, August 16th-22nd


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